Research talks of Yoh Tanimoto

  1. A new construction of causal nets of operator algebras (after Lechner),
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, June 2007.

  2. An introduction to Algebraic QFT (in Japanese),
    Functional analysis junior, Kyoto seminar house, September 2007.

  3. Positive cones and half-sided modular inclusions,
    RIMS conference "Research on operator algebras and mathematical physics", Kyoto University, RIMS, 23-25 January 2008.

  4. Another analogue of the Borel-Weil theory on loop groups,
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, June 2008.

  5. Representations of the stabilizer subgroup at the point of infinity in Diff(S1), slides
    conference "Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Physics", Vietri sul Mare, 31 August-5 September 2009.

  6. Symmetric representations of Diff(R),
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, December 2009.

  7. Covariant representations of Diff(R), slides
    workshop "Foundations and Constructive aspects of QFT", Göttingen University, 15-16 January 2010.

  8. KMS states on conformal nets, slides
    mathematical phyics group seminar, Göttingen University, August 2010.

  9. KMS states on conformal nets,
    workshop "Foundations and Constructive aspects of QFT", Leipzig University, 19-20 November 2010.

  10. (invited) Thermal states in conformal CFT, slides
    EU-NCG 4th Annual Meeting, Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 25-30 April 2011.

  11. Deformation of chiral conformal field theory (in Italian),
    operator algebras seminar, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", May 2011.

  12. Deformation of chiral conformal field theory, slides
    GDRE GREFI-GENCO meeting, Istitut Henri Poincaré, Paris, May 30-1 June 2011.

  13. Deformation of chiral CFT through Longo-Witten endomorphisms,
    workshop "Foundations and Constructive aspects of QFT", Göttingen University, 1-2 July 2011.

  14. Construction of wedge-local nets of observables through Longo-Witten endomorphisms, slides
    workshop "Modern Trends in AQFT", University of Pavia, 14-16 September 2011.

  15. Construction of wedge-local nets through Longo-Witten endomorphisms,
    mathematical physics group seminar, Göttingen University, November 2011.

  16. (invited) Longo-Witten endomorphisms and two-dimensional interacting models, slides
    a mathematical physics workshop, Aarhus University, 1-2 December 2011.

  17. Construction of wedge-local nets through Longo-Witten endomorphisms,
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, December 2011.

  18. (invited) Construction of wedge-local nets through Longo-Witten endomorphisms,
    Conference on von Neumann Algebras and Related Topics, Kyoto University, RIMS, 9-13 January 2012.

  19. On KMS states in chiral conformal QFT,
    mathematical physics group seminar, Göttingen University, May 2012.

  20. (invited) Construction of wedge-local QFT through Longo-Witten endomorphisms, slides
    International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Aalborg, 6-11 August 2012.

  21. Construction of integrable QFT through endomorphisms of chiral CFT,
    Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, September 2012.

  22. Particles in CFT are free,
    Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, November 2012.

  23. (invited) Construction of two-dimensional QFT through Longo-Witten endomorphisms,
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, December 2012.

  24. (prize giving talk) Operator-algebraic construction of two-dimensional QFT (in Italian),
    Giornata di Dipartimento, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", December 2012.

  25. Construction of two-dimensional quantum field models through Longo-Witten endomorphisms, (in Italian)
    operator algebras seminar, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", March 2013.

  26. (invited) Ground state representations of loop algebras,
    Lie group seminar, Erlangen-Nürnberg University, May 2013.

  27. Massless Wigner particles in conformal field theory are free, slides
    workshop "Foundations and Constructive aspects of QFT", Wuppertal University, 31 May-1 June 2013.

  28. (invited) Operator algebraic construction of two-dimensional quantum field models, slides
    conference "Mathematics and Quantum Physics", Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma, 8-12 July 2013.

  29. Massless Wigner particles in conformal field theory are free, (in Italian)
    operator algebras seminar, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", October 2013.

  30. (invited) Operator algebraic construction of two-dimensional quantum field models,
    mathematical physics workshop, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich, 28-29 November 2013.

  31. (invited) Operator algebraic construction of two-dimensional quantum field models,
    mathematical physics seminar, University of Bristol, December 2013.

  32. Keil-lokale Felder in integrablen Modellen mit gebundenen Zuständen,
    mathematical physics seminar, Göttingen University, December 2013.

  33. Wedge-local fields in integrable models with bound states,
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, January 2014.

  34. (invited) Wedge-local fields in integrable models with bound states,
    workshop "Algebraic quantum field theory: its status and its future", Erwin Schödinger Institut, Vienna, 19-23 May 2014.

  35. (invited) Wedge-local fields in integrable models with bound states,
    Quantum field theory seminar, Leipzig University, June 2014.

  36. Self-adjointness of bound state operators, slides
    workshop "Foundations and Constructive aspects of QFT", Goslar, 14-15 November 2014.

  37. (invited) Self-adjointness of bound state operators in integrable QFT,
    mathematical physics seminar, University of Bristol, December 2014.

  38. (invited) Wedge-local fields in integrable QFT with bound states, slides
    workshop "New Trends in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory", INFN Frascati, 11-13 February 2015.

  39. Operator algebraic construction of two-dimensional quantum field models,
    mathematical physics seminar, Technical University Munich, February 2015.

  40. Self-adjointness of bound state operators in integrable quantum field theory,
    operator algebras seminar, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", March 2015.

  41. Self-adjointness of bound state operators in integrable quantum field theory,
    analysis seminar, University of Bristol, March 2015.

  42. Wedge-local fields in integrable QFT with bound states, slides
    DPG Tagung, Technical University Berlin, 15-20 March 2015.

  43. (invited) Operator algebraic construction of two-dimensional quantum field models,
    workshop "Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, 22-28 March 2015.

  44. Modular nuclearity in integrable QFT with bound states,
    Born-Hilbert seminar, Göttingen University, April 2015.

  45. Self-adjointness of bound state operators in integrable QFT,
    operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, June 2015.

  46. (invited) Towards Construction of Integrable QFT with Bound States, slides
    14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, University of Rome "La Sapienza", 12-18 July 2015.

  47. (invited) Wedge-local fields in integrable QFT with bound states, slides
    Satellite Conference to the XVIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics "Operator algebras and Quantum Physics", University of São Paulo, 17-23 July 2015.

  48. (invited) Operator-algebraic construction of integrable QFT, slides
    workshop "Recent Developments in Operator Algebras", RIMS, Kyoto, 19-21 August 2015.

  49. Towards Haag-Kastler nets for integrable QFT with bound states, slides
    workshop "Mathematical aspects of quantum fields and related topics", RIMS, Kyoto, 5-7 October 2015.

  50. (invited) Bound state operators in integrable QFT, slides
    workshop "Quantum Field Theory: Infrared problems and constructive aspects", Technical University of Munich, 8-9 October 2015.

  51. Operator-algebraic construction of integrable QFT with bound states (in Japanese),
    Seminar on operator-algebras and mathematical physics, Kyushu University, November 2015.

  52. Representations of conformal field theories and infinite-dimensional groups,
    mathematical physics seminar, Göttingen University, January 2016.

  53. Towards Haag-Kastler nets for integrable QFT with bound states,
    mathematical physics seminar, Technical University of Munich, February 2016.

  54. Bound state operators in integrable quantum field theories (in Japanese),
    mathematical physics seminar, Hokkaido University, February 2016.

  55. (invited) KMS states on chiral components of conformal field theory, slides
    workshop "Gauge Theory, Strings and Holography", INdAM, Rome, 13-15 June 2016.

  56. (invited) KMS states with respect to conformal Hamiltonian, slides
    MSJ-SI "Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics", Tohoku university, 1-12 August 2016.

  57. (invited) Conformal covariance and the split property,
    Graduierten Kolleg seminar, Göttingen University, November 2016.

  58. Thermal states in conformal QFT (in Italian),
    Giornata di Dipartimento, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", December 2016.

  59. (invited) Free products in AQFT,
    the OAS programme seminar, the Isaac Newton institute, Cambridge, February 2017.

  60. (invited) Free products in AQFT,
    workshop "Noncommutative Geometry and Applications", ICTP Trieste, 27 February-3 March 2017.

  61. Rappresentazioni ad energia positiva dei loop groups e dei net conformi,
    seminario di algebra, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", April 2017.

  62. (invited) Construction of two-dimensional quantum field models through Longo-Witten endomorphisms, slides
    The XXVth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries, Prague, 6-10 June 2017.

  63. (invited) Free products in AQFT,
    the QFT seminar, Technische Universität München, July 2017.

  64. (invited) Half-sided modular inclusions (and free products in AQFT),
    workshop "Reflection positivity", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, 26 November-2 December 2017.

  65. (invited) Operator-algebraic construction of integrable QFT and CFT, slides
    The 22nd UK Meeting on Integrable and Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics, Cardiff University, 1-2 June 2018.

  66. (invited) Construction of Haag-Kastler nets for factorizing S-matrices with poles, slides
    workshop "Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: Where Operator Algebra meets Microlocal Analysis", Palazzone della SNS, Cortona, 4-8 June 2018.

  67. (invited) Free products in AQFT,
    The 27th International Conference in Operator Theory, the West University of Timisoara, 2-6 July 2018, slides

  68. (invited) Construction of Haag-Kastler nets for factorizing S-matrices with poles,
    workshop "Physics and Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory", BIRS, 30 July-3 August 2018.

  69. Operator-algebraic construction of two-dimensional QFT (in Italian),
    functional analysis seminar, Università di Palermo, 15 November 2018.

  70. (invited) Operator-algebraic construction of two-dimensional QFT,
    theoretical physics seminar, Universität Leipzig (ITP), 3 December (plus an informal discussion on 5 December) 2018.

  71. Scale and Möbius covariance in two-dimensional Haag-Kastler net,
    43rd LQP workshop, Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze, 22 February 2019, slides.

  72. (invited) Nonsmooth diffeomorphisms and solitons in conformal nets,
    seminar in the program Operator algebras and quantum physics, Simons Center, 10 June 2019, video.

  73. (invited) Strong locality beyond linear energy bounds,
    workshop "Subfactors and Applications", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, 27 October - 02 November 2019.

  74. (invited) Strong locality beyond linear energy bounds,
    workshop "Operator Algebras in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Probability", Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", 04 - 07 December 2019, slides

  75. (invited) Continuum (free) field from lattice wavelet renormalization,
    Tokyo-Kyoto operator algebras seminar, online, 29 October 2020, slides

  76. (invited) Towards integral perturbation of two-dimensional CFT,
    Leipzig “Quantum Field Theory and Gravity” seminar, online, 9 November 2020, slides

  77. Towards integral perturbation of two-dimensional CFT,
    Tor Vergata Operator-algebras seminar, online, 10 February 2021, slides

  78. (invited) Unitary modules and conformal nets associated with the W3-algebra with c >= 2,
    Special Session Quantum Groups and Algebraic Quantum Field Theory" in IWOTA Lancaster UK 2021, online, 16-20 August 2021, slides

  79. (invited) Construction of Haag-Kastler nets for factorizing S-matrices with poles,
    Tokyo-Kyoto operator algebras seminar, online, 9 November 2021, slides

  80. (invited) Unitary modules and conformal nets associated with the W3-algebra with c >= 2,
    Kraków-Poznań-Warsaw mathematical physics seminar, online, 19 November 2021, slides

  81. (invited) Towards integral perturbation of two-dimensional CFT (in Japanese),
    Kyushu operator algebras seminar, 13 May 2022.

  82. (invited) Towards integral perturbation of two-dimensional CFT,
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, 17 May 2022.

  83. (invited) Unitary vertex algebras and Wightman conformal field theories,
    conference Ypatia 2022, École fransçaise de Rome, 08 - 10 June 2022, slides.

  84. (invited) Scaling limits of lattice quantum fields by wavelets,
    conference FAATNA 20>22, Università degli studi della Basilicata Matera, 05 - 09 July 2022, slides.

  85. (invited) Unitary vertex algebras and Wightman conformal field theories,
    Quantum field theory seminar, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 27 July 2022.

  86. (invited) Unitary vertex algebras and Wightman conformal field theories,
    Quantum field theory seminar, Leipzig University, 2 August 2022.

  87. (invited) Unitary vertex algebras and Wightman conformal field theories,
    Quantum analysis seminar, Nagoya University, 23 August 2022, handwritten notes.

  88. (invited) Local energy bounds and strong locality in chiral CFT,
    Conference on Energy conditions in quantum field theory, Leipzig University, 13 September 2022, handwritten notes.

  89. (invited) Algebraic and axiomatic quantum field theory,
    Theoretical high energy physics seminar, University of Buenos Aires, 17 November 2022, slides.

  90. (invited) Unitary vertex algebras and Wightman conformal field theories,
    Mathematical physics seminar, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 26 January 2023.

  91. (invited) Lattice Green functions (after Balaban/Dimock),
    Tokyo Operator algebras seminar, the University of Tokyo, 9 May 2023. handwritten notes.

  92. (minicourse) Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory,
    Graduate school of Mathematics, Nagoya University, 15-19 May 2023. lecture notes.

  93. (invited) Lattice Green functions (after Balaban/Dimock),
    Kyoto Operator algebras seminar, Kyoto University, 30 May 2023. handwritten notes.

  94. (invited) Wightman fields for two-dimensional conformal field theory and integrable perturbation,
    Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics (Yasu Festa 60), the University of Tokyo, 27 July 2023. handwritten notes.

  95. (invited) Wightman fields for two-dimensional conformal field theory,
    Mathematical physics group, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 13 September 2023. handwritten notes.

  96. (invited) Unitarity and reflection positivity in two-dimensional conformal field theory,
    workshop "Standard Subspaces in Quantum Field Theory and Representation Theory", Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach, 02 November 2023. handwritten notes.

  97. (invited) Wightman fields for two-dimensional conformal field theory,
    One World IAMP Mathematical Physics Seminar, 23 January 2024. slides.

  98. (invited) Algebraic quantum field theory and formalisation of mathematics (in Japanese),
    Second double decades meeting, 25 March 2024. slides.

  99. (invited) Towards lattice construction of quantum field theory,
    Tokyo operator algebras seminar, University of Tokyo, 09 April 2024. handwritten notes.

  100. (invited) Constructive QFT and formal mathematics,
    Erlangen mathematical physics seminar, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, 24 May 2024. handwritten notes.

Talks for general public

  1. Problems of the scientific community,
    A Symposium on sciences distorted by policy making and research misconducts, Online, 16 April 2023, slides

Home page of Yoh Tanimoto