(with P. Mercuri and M. Paoluzi) Greenberg's conjecture for
real quadratic number fields, submitted. (pdf)
(with L. Dembélé)
GRH and finite flat group schemes over Z,
J. Théorie
des Nombres de Bordeaux , to appear.
(with L. Dembélé)
Finite flat group schemes over Z killed by 19, Journal of Number Theory,
260 (2024), 191195. (pdf)
(with L. Washington and M. Mishra)
Class groups of real cyclotomic fields ,
Monatshefte für Mathematik, 195 (2021), 489496.
On the ideal class group of the normal closure of
Q(n1/p), Journal of Number Theory216 (2020), 6982.
(with P. Mercuri) Modular forms invariant under non-split Cartan subgroups, Math. Comp.89 (2020), 1969 1991.
Heights and principal ideals of certain cyclotomic fields,
in Eds Chakraborty et al: Class groups of number fields and related topics,
Springer Verlag 2020, 8996.
De vervloekte kromme, Nieuw Archief voor wiskunde,
5/20 (2019), 131134. (pdf).
Is a finite locally free group scheme killed by its order?,
in Ed. Oort, F.: Open problems in algebraic geometry,
Advanced Lectures in Math. 46,
International Press,
ISBN 978-7-04-050831-4, Beijing 2018, 17.
The discrete logarithm problem,
in Eds. Nash, J. and Rassias, M.:
Open problems in mathematics,
Springer Verlag 2016, 403416. (pdf).
(with V. Dose, J. Fernández, J. González)
The automorphism group of the non-split Cartan
modular curve of level 11,
Journal of Algebra417 (2014), 95102.
On the modular curve X0(23),
Geometry and Arithmetic,
EMS Publishing House, Zürich 2012, 317345.
(pdf, errata)
(with N. Tzanakis) Integral points of a modular curve of level 11,
Acta Arithmetica152 (2012), 3949. (pdf)
Semistable abelian varieties with good reduction outside 15,
Manuscripta Mathematica, 139 (2012), 4970.
(pdf, errata)
(with L.C. Washington) Visibility of ideal classes,
Journal of Number Theory
130 (2010), 27152731.
Catalan's Conjecture, Universitext, Springer Verlag,
(Google books),
ISBN 978-1-84800-184-8. London 2008.
Four primality testing algorithms, Algorithmic number theory
MSRI Publications 44,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008, 101126.
(pdf, errata)
Computing Arakelov class groups, Algorithmic number theory
MSRI Publications 44,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2008, 447495.
(with M. Larsen) A refined counter-example to the
support conjecture for abelian varieties, J. of Number
Theory116 (2006), 396398.
Abelian varieties over Q with
bad reduction in one prime only, Compositio Math. 141 (2005), 847868.
(pdf) (errata)
(with E. Bayer-Fluckiger, M. Monsurrò, R. Parimala)
Trace forms of G-Galois algebras in virtual
cohomological dimension 1 and 2,
Pacific J. of Math. 217 (2004), 2943.
Abelian varieties over cyclotomic fields
with good reduction everywhere, Math. Annalen. 325 (2003), 413448.
(pdf, errata)
Class groups of real cyclotomic fields of prime
conductor, Math. Comp. 72 (2003), 913937.
(with J.-C. Lario) Computations with Hecke rings and deformation
rings, J. of Experimental Math. 11 (2002), 303312.
Abelian varieties with good reduction
everywhere over Q(√6), p. 287306 in
Class Field Theory Its Centenary and Prospect (ed. by K. Miyake),
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo 2001.
Finite flat group schemes over Artin rings, Compositio Math. 128 (2001), 115.
Abelian varieties over the field of the 20th roots
of unity with good reduction everywhere, p. 291296 in Ciliberto, C. et al.,
Proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop Applications of Algebraic
Geometry to Coding Theory, Physics and Computation, Kluwer, Dordrecht 2001.
(with G. van der Geer) Effectivity of Arakelov divisors and
the analogue of the theta divisor of a number field, Selecta Math. New Ser.
6 (2000), 377398.
Algebraic number theory, pp. 2332 in:
C. Andradas and C. Corrales Rodrigáñez (eds.):
400 años de matemáticas en torno al último teorema de Fermat,
Editorial de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1999. ISBN: 84-89784-38-8.
Minus class groups of cyclotomic fields of prime
conductor, Math. Comp. 67 (1998), 12251245.
(with B. de Smit and K. Rubin) Criteria for complete
intersections, pp.343355 in:
G. Cornell, J. Silverman, G. Stevens (eds.), Modular
Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem, Springer Verlag, New York 1997.
(with C. Corrales Rodrigáñez) The
support problem and its elliptic analogue, Journal of Number Theory
64 (1997), 276290.
( pdf) (erratum)
(with N. Schappacher)
Beppo Levi and the arithmetic of elliptic curves, The Mathematical Intelligencer 18 (1996), 5769.
Wiles's proof of the Taniyama-Weil conjecture for semi-stable
elliptic curves over Q, Gazette de Mathématiques 66 (1995),
724. Reprinted in Kantor, J.M. (ed): Où sont les
Mathématiques?, Société Math. de France, Vuibert, Paris
2002, 305326.
Fermat's Last Theorem, pp. 193211 in:
Überblicke Mathematik, Jahrbuch 1995, Vieweg-Verlag 1995. ISBN 3-528-06607-5.
Families of curves and weight
distributions of codes, Bulletin AMS. 32 (1995), 171183.
(with J.S. Kraft) Computing Iwasawa
invariants of real quadratic number fields, Compositio Math.
97 (1995), 135155.
Counting points on elliptic curves over finite
fields, in: Les 18ièmes Journées
Arithmétiques, Bordeaux 1993, J. Théorie
des Nombres Bordeaux 7 (1995), 219254.
(pdf) (errata).
curves over F2 with many rational points, Journal of Number Theory 41 (1992), 614.
(with G. van der Geer and
M. van der Vlugt) Weight formulas for ternary
Melas codes, Math. Comp.
58, (1992), 781792.
(JSTOR pdf)
M. van der Vlugt) Hecke operators and the weight
distributions of certain codes,Journal of
Combinatorial Theory A, 57, (1991), 163186.
The exponents of the groups of points on the
reductions of an elliptic curve , pp. 325336 in: G. van der Geer,
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Progress in Math.
89 , Birkhäuser, New York 1991. ISBN 0-8176-3513-0
Algebraic curves
and coding theory, Università di
Trento 1990. Preprint 336, 38 pages. (in
The structure of minus class groups of abelian
number fields, pp. 185204 in: C. Goldstein (ed.),
de Théorie de Nombres, Paris 19881990, Progress in
Math. 91, Birkhäuser 1990, 185204.
(with L.C. Washington) Quintic polynomials
and real cyclotomic fields with large class numbers,Math. Comp. 50, (1988), 543556.
(JSTOR pdf).
Cohomology of class groups of cyclotomic fields; an
application to Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms, J. of Pure
and Applied Algebra 53, (1988), 125137.
Nonsingular plane cubic curves over finite fields, J.
of Combinatorial Theory, series A, 46, (1987),
183211. (scanned as
(with H.W. Lenstra jr.)
Primitive normal bases for finite fields, Math. Comp.
48, (1986), 217231.
(JSTOR pdf)
Infinite class field towers of quadratic fields, J.
für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 372,
(1986), 209220.
Elliptic curves over finite fields and the computation
of square roots mod p, Math. Comp. 44, (1985),
483494. (pdf)
Errata (pdf).
(with J. van der Craats) On the normal
subgroups of Rubik groups, Nieuw archief voor wiskunde 2 (1984), 267280.
Class groups of
complex quadratic fields Math. Comp. 41, (1983),
Quadratic fields and factorization, pp. 235286 in: H.W.
Lenstra jr. and R. Tijdeman (eds.): Computational Methods in
Number Theory,, MC-Tracts 154/155, Amsterdam 1982.