Recent thesis

This page is an archive of the last Theses awarded by the Doctoral School in Mathematics of the University of Tor Vergata.

PhD graduate Title of the thesis Advisor Defense date
Elia Vincenzi C*-dynamical systems and Ergodic Theory. Quantum decoherence, twisted tensor products and De Finetti theorem Francesco Fidaleo November 11, 2024
Tommaso Rossi Operads and moduli spaces of genus zero curves Paolo Salvatore July 17, 2024
Andrea Marino Approximating the (co)homology of knots: a Fox-Neuwirth basis for the Sinha spectral sequence Paolo Salvatore December 20, 2023
Chiara Caracciolo On the stability in the neighborhood of invariant elliptic tori Ugo Locatelli February 9, 2021
Antonio Tribuzio Some perturbed evolution problems Andrea Braides November 26, 2020
Josias Reppekus Non-recurrent invariant Fatou components of automorphisms of C2 Filippo Bracci November 13, 2020
Matteo Fiacchi Geometry of domains in Cd and applications to dynamics Filippo Bracci November 13, 2020
Antonio Trusiani Multipoint Okounkov bodies, strong topology of ω-plurisubharmonic functions and Kähler-Einstein metrics with prescribed singularities S. Trapani
D. W. Nyström (Chalmers Univesity)
September 29, 2020
Viola Siconolfi Ricci curvature, graphs and Coxeter groups Francesco Branti September 25, 2020
Marco D'Ambra Partially ample divisors on projective schemes and Ulrich vector bundles on projectively Cohen-Macaulay surfaces in P4 A.F. Lopez (Roma Tre University) June 11, 2020
Michele Ricciardi Some advances in Mean-Field Games theory Alessio Porretta
P. Cardaliaguet (Dauphine-PSL University - Paris 9)
May 26, 2020
Daniele Pasquazi Capacità sensoriali e approccio intuitivo-geometrico nella pre-adolescenza Benedetto Scoppola March 30, 2020
Aleksei Bykov Adiabatic limits and renormalization in quantum spacetime Gerardo Morsella February 25, 2020
Gianluca Marzo Fully Functorial Resolutions of Complex Analytic Singularities Michael McQuillan December 18, 2019
Valeria Bertini Rational Curves on Irreducible Symplectic Varieties of OG10 type Antonio Rapagnetta
Carlo Gasbarri (University of Strasbourg)
December 16, 2019
Lorenzo Luzzi Rational Curves on Irreducible Symplectic Varieties of OG10 type Paolo Roselli October 30, 2019
Gabriele Gullà On a relation between λ-full well-ordered sets and weakly compact cardinals Elisabetta Strickland Tutor October 30, 2019
Vincenzo Basco Infinite horizon control problems under state constraints and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations Piermarco Cannarsa
H. Frankowska (Sorbonne Université)
Febraury 18, 2019
Giulia Terenzi Option prices in stochastic volatility models Lucia Caramellino
D. Lamberton (Paris-Est)
December 17, 2018
Riccardo Mariani Irreversible parallel dynamics in Statistical Mechanics Benedetto Scoppola,
P. Picco (Université Aix-Marseille)
December 12, 2018
Duccio Sacchi Unirationality of varieties described by families of hypersurfaces and quadratic line complexes Ciro Ciliberto October 24, 2018
Rossana Capuani Mean-field games with state constraints P. Cannarsa
P. Cardaliaguet (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL - Paris 9)
April 24, 2018
Valerio Vallocchia Some asymptotic problems for non-convex discrete systems Andrea Braides April 23, 2018
Susanna Risa Ancient solutions of curvature flows Carlo Sinestrari April 20, 2018
Stefano Cipolla Projections onto low complexity matrix algebras with applications to regularization, preconditioning and optimization Carmine Di Fiore
Paolo Zellini
February 13, 2018
Roberta Bianchini Advanced energy methods in fluid-mechanics Roberto Natalini December 15, 2017
Manon Deville Mathematical modeling of enhanced drug delivery by mean of electroporation or enzymatic treatment Roberto Natalini
C. Poignard (Inria Bordeaux-Sud Ouest)
November 22, 2017
Martina Magliocca The role of first-order superlinear terms in local and global time behaviour of nonlinear parabolic equations Alessio Porretta April 20, 2017
Simone Del Vecchio Extensions in Quantum Field Theory: Q-systems and defects for infinite-index inclusions Roberto Longo April 19, 2017
Andrea Del Monaco A journey along a slit from one to several complex variables Filippo Bracci April 18, 2017
Fabien Gachet Analytical modelling of the long-term evolution of Earth satellite orbits Alessandra Celletti April 12, 2017
Ioannis Gkolias Analytical and numerical modelling of small body orbital-rotational motion Alessandra Celletti April 12, 2017