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Settimana 09/09/2024 - 13/09/2024





Nel link sottostante trovate la Newsletter n.2 del progetto di Dipartimento MatMod@TOV, con l'invito di leggerla e a darne massima diffusione:

Click below for PDF file Download:

Nel link sottostante trovate la locandina del Roma Math - Career Day 2024 - che si svolgerà presso il CNR - Piazzale ALdo Moro, 7 (ingresso Via dei Marrucini).
L'evento è organizzato da: C.N.R., I.A.C., I.A.S.I., S.M.I.I., La Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", Roma Tre Università degli Studi di Roma.

Le Aziende incontrano neolaureati e laureandi in matematica degli Atenei romani.

Comitato organizzatore:
Roberto Natalini,Maurizio Ceseri, Giovanni Felici, Stefania Giuffrida (Cnr);
Gabriella Puppo, Elena Agliari, Domenico Monaco (Sapienza);
Carla Manni, Domenico Marinucci (Tor Vergata);
Michela Procesi, Marco Pedicini, Luciano Teresi (Roma Tre);

Click below for POSTER Download:

Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Matematica


Operator Algebras Seminar

Date: 11th Semptember 2024
Schedule: 16:00 - Rome Time
Where: Conference Room 1201 "R. Dal Passo"
Title: " Local nets on causal flag manifolds "
Speaker: Karl-Hermann Neeb FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Abstract: We are interested in obtaining local nets in the sense of Haag--Kastler from unitary representations of a connected Lie group G. A natural set of axioms leads to a causal structure on M. We focus on the case where M = G/P is a flag manifold of a simple Lie group G, or a covering space thereof. Then G must be a hermitian Lie group and M a conformal compactification of a euclidean Jordan algebra V. It's simply connected covering is a simple space-time manifold in the sense of Mack--de Riese. We show that the unitary representations permitting non-trivial nets are the positive energy representations (direct integrals of lowest weight representations). These nets have several interesting features. One is that the ``wedge regions'' that link the geometry of M to the modular theory of the algebras involved are given by the intervals (double cones) of W. Bertram's cyclic order on M. Another is that locality properties of the net can be specified in terms of open G-orbits in the space of pairs, which is most interesting for covering spaces because the number of these orbits corresponds to the number of sheets in the covering.

Organizing Committee:
Vincenzo Morinelli (mail to contact)
Roberto Longo (mail to contact)
Daniele Guido (mail to contact)
Giuseppe Ruzzi (mail to contact)
Further Info: Click here for Operator Algebras Seminar Page
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Dipartimento di Matematica


Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar

Date: Friday 29th September 2024
  • First Seminar: 14:30 Rome Time
  • Second Seminar: 16:00 Rome Time
Where: Conference Room 1201 “R. Dal Passo ”

First Seminar 14:30 Rome Time
Speaker: Gastón Andrés GARCÍA - Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET
Title: "On the representation theory of generalized small quantum groups"

The small quantum groups uq(g) are finite-dimensional quotients of quantum universal enveloping algebras Uq(g) at a root of unity q for g a semisimple complex Lie algebra. After the work of Lusztig, the representation theory of these quantum objects was intensively studied because of its relation with the representation theory of semisimple algebraic groups in positive characteristic. In this talk, I will present some results on the representation theory of what we call "generalized" small quantum groups. A particular feature of these objects is that the role of the corresponding Cartan subalgebra is played by a finite non-abelian group. Nevertheless, they still admit a triangular decomposition and share similar properties with the standard quantum groups, like the existence of weights (that are no longer one-dimensional) and Verma modules. This talk is based on a joint work with Cristian Vay [Simple modules of small quantum groups at dihedral groups, Doc. Math. 29 (2024), 1-38].
Note: this talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006).

Second Seminar 16:00 Rome Time
Speaker: Sabino DI TRANI - La Sapienza Università di Roma
Title: "Cohomologies, Matroids and Colorings "


A celebrated result in graph theory links the chromatic polynomial of a graph to the Tutte polynomial of the associated graphic matroid. In 2005, Helme-Guizon and Rong proved that the chromatic polynomial is categorified by a cohomological theory called chromatic cohomology. In this talk, I will describe how to associate a matroid to a directed graph G, called the multipath matroid of G, which encodes relevant combinatorial information about edge orientation. We also show that a specialization of the Tutte polynomial of the multipath matroid of G provides the number of certain "good" digraph colorings. Finally, analogously to the relationship between the chromatic polynomial and chromatic cohomology, I will show how the polynomial expressing the number of "good" digraph colorings is linked to multipath cohomology, introduced in a work with Caputi and Collari in 2021.
Note: this talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006).

Organizing Committee:
Fabio Gavarini (mail to)
Niels Kowalzig (mail to)
Martina Lanini (mail to)
Further Info: Click here for A.R.T.S. Webpage
Streaming Link (MS Teams): This seminar will be held in person
