Rome-Moscow school of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra 2018
Russian Version
Rome-Moscow School 2018
July 28 - August 11 (Moscow), September 9 - 23 (Rome)
This is the sixth edition of the Rome-Moscow school of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra.

July 28 - August 11 , 2018,
Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

September 9 - 23, 2018,
University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Mathematics

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The main purpose of the School is to encourage the ideas exchange and scientific collaborations between Italian and Russian universities and institutions, in the fields of matrix methods and applied linear algebra. The school will take place during a whole month, two weeks in Moscow and two weeks in Rome, offering to young students a long time for learning and thinking over the arguments proposed, not limited to short courses and seminars. The school proposes advanced scientific topics and the opportunity of entering in direct contact with people and institutions of excellence in the field. It is open to advanced (and motivated) undergraduate, graduate and PhD students of TV and LMSU, INM-RAS, and of any other university, who are also encouraged to give a talk on their research interests, in a suitable students session of the school.

The school takes place under the auspices of the Department of Mathematics of TV University and of the Faculties of LMSU of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, and of Mechanics and Mathematics. Attending with good profit the courses of the school is equivalent to acquire credits of university curriculum activity. The expenses for lodging for one student amount about to 250 euro, for each part of the school. A number of scholarships for students could be available

Main contributors and supporters:
  • Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata"
  • Department of Mathematics - University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - MIUR Excellence Department Project
  • Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica
  • Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University

Documents of the school:
School announcment (.doc)
School announcment (.pdf)
Annuncio DirProfStud
Annuncio ai direttori
Annuncio al GNCS