Room: 1122, Office hour: Tuesday 14:00-15:00 (online), e-mail: hoyt at_mark
Current academic year
Course description, time table: Mon 11:30-13:15, Wed 11:30-13:15, Thu 9:30-11:15, Fri 14:00-15:45, Room B3
Past courses
- 2023/2024 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 1, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
Course description, time table: Mon 11:30-13:15, Wed 11:30-13:15, Thu 9:30-11:15, Fri 14:00-15:45, Room B3
- 2022/2023 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 1, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
Course description, time table: Mon 11:30-13:15, Wed 11:30-13:15, Thu 9:30-11:15, Fri 14:00-15:45, Room B3 or online
- 2023 May: Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, intensive course at
Graduate school of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Course description
- 2021/2022 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 1, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
Course description, time table: Mon 11:30-13:15, Wed 11:30-13:15, Thu 9:30-11:15, Fri 14:00-15:45, Room B3 or online
- 2020/2021 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 1, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
Course description, time table: Mon 11:30-13:15, Wed 11:30-13:15, Thu 9:30-11:15, Fri 14:00-15:45, Online lectures
- 2019/2020 Primo semestro: Analisi Matematica 1, corso di Laurea in Ingegneria dell'Edilizia e Ingegneria Edile-Architettura
(con P. Roselli)
orario: Lun (Aula B4), Mer (Aula C1), Gio (Aula B3) 11:30-12:15 + esecitazioni Gio (Aula B3) 16:00-18:00 con Sig. Jacopo Garofali
- 2019/2020 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 2, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
(with O. Butterley)
Course description, time table: Mon 14:00-16:00, Wed 9:30-11:30, Fri 14:00-16:00, Aula 8
- 2018/2019 Second semester: Fondamenti di Analisi Matematica, corso di laurea triennale in Fisica
(with G. Morsella)
Course summary
- 2018/2019 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 2, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
(with G. Morsella)
Course description, time table: Mon 14:00-16:00, Wed 9:30-11:30, Fri 14:00-16:00, Aula 8
- 2017/2018 First semester: Mathematical Analysis 2, bachelor course in Engineering Sciences
(with G. Morsella)
Course description, time table: Mon 14:00-16:00, Wed 9:30-11:30, Fri 14:00-16:00, Aula 8
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