

Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma

Phone: 0039.06.7259.4632

Fax: 0039.06.7259.4699

PEC: @

Principal Investigator of MatMod@TOV: Prof. Filippo Bracci, Phone: 06.7259.4695, E-Mail.

Chair of the Department: Prof. Domenico Marinucci, Phone: 06.7259.4105, E-Mail.

Vice Chair of the Department: Prof. Carla Manni, Phone: 06.7259.4709, E-Mail.

Administrative Secretary of the Department: Desy Catena, Phone: 06.7259.4293, E-Mail.

Director of PhD Program of the Department: Prof. Carlangelo Liverani, Phone: 06.7259.4694, E-Mail.
Secretary of Phd Program of the Department: Luisa Montoro, Phone: 06.7259.4632, E-Mail.

Director of Graduate Studies of Mathematics : Prof. Lucia Caramellino, Phone: 06.7259.4660, E-Mail.