Publications 2023
The following publications (year 2023) by members of the Department and co-authors have been realized within the Excellence Project.
- Abundo M., "Asymptotic of the running maximum distribution of a Gaussian Bridge", Stochastic Analysis and Applications, vol. 41, no. 6, 1099–1118 (2023).
- Abundo M., "The first-passage area of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process revisited", Stochastic Analysis and Applications, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 358–376 (2023).
- Alicandro R., Ansini N., Braides A., Piatnitski A., Tribuzio A., "A variational theory of convolution-type functionals", SpringerBriefs on PDEs and Data Science, Springer, 116 pp. (2023).
- Arosio L., Benini A. M., Fornæss J. E., Peters H., "Dynamics of transcendental Hénon maps-II", Mathematische Annalen, vol. 385, no. 3–4, pp. 975–999 (2023).
- Arosio L., Dall'Ara G. M., Fiacchi M., "Worm domains are not Gromov hyperbolic", The Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 33, art. 257 (2023).
- Atanasi L., Picardello M. A., "An area theorem for joint harmonic functions on the product of homogeneous trees", Potential Analysis, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 393–407 (2023).
- Bahsoun W., Liverani C., Sélley F. M., "Globally coupled Anosov diffeomorphisms: Statistical properties", Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 400, no. 3, pp. 1791–1822 (2023).
- Barbarino G., Garoni C., "An extension of the theory of GLT sequences: sampling on asymptotically uniform grids", Linear and Multilinear Algebra, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 2008–2025 (2023).
- Bartolucci D., Hu Y., Jevnikar A., Yang W., "Generic properties of the Rabinowitz unbounded continuum", Advanced Nonlinear Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, art. 20220062 (2023).
- Bartolucci D., Jevnikar A., Jin J., Lin C. S., Liu S., "Non-degeneracy and uniqueness of solutions to general singular Toda systems on bounded domains", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 525, no. 2, art. 127132 (2023).
- Bassi J., Rădulescu F., "An example of a non-amenable dynamical system which is boundary amenable", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 151, no. 6, pp. 2459–2462 (2023).
- Bastianelli F., Ciliberto C., Flamini F., Supino P., "Cones of lines having high contact with general hypersurfaces and applications", Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 296, no. 2, pp. 509–522 (2023).
- Bini G., Boissière S., Flamini F., "Some families of big and stable bundles on K3 surfaces and on their Hilbert schemes of points", Manuscripta Mathematica, vol. 172, no. 3–4, pp. 705–738 (2023).
- Bischoff M., Del Vecchio S., Giorgetti L., "Quantum operations on conformal nets", Reviews in Mathematical Physics, vol. 35, no. 4, art. 2350007 (2023).
- Bozzo E., Deidda P., Di Fiore C., "The Jordan and Frobenius pairs of the inverse", Linear and Multilinear Algebra, vol. 71, no. 10, pp. 1730–1735 (2023).
- Bracci F., Roth O., "Semigroup-fication of univalent self-maps of the unit disc", Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 251–277 (2023).
- Braides A., Caroccia M., "Asymptotic behavior of the Dirichlet energy on Poisson point clouds", Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 33, art. 80 (2023).
- Braides A., D'Elia L., "Homogenization of discrete thin structures", Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 231, art. 112951 (2023).
- Buchholz D., Ciolli F., Ruzzi G., Vasselli E., "Gauss's law, the manifestations of Gauge fields, and their impact on local observables", In: Cintio A., Michelangeli A. (eds.) Trails in Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Springer, pp. 71–92 (2023).
- Butterley O., Canestrari G., Jain S., "Discontinuities cause essential spectrum", Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 398, no. 2, pp. 627–653 (2023).
- Calleja R., Celletti A., de la Llave R., "KAM theory for some dissipative systems", In: Baù G. et al. (eds.) New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 399, Springer, pp. 81–122 (2023).
- Cammarota V., Marinucci D., Rossi M., "Lipschitz-Killing curvatures for arithmetic random waves", Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze, vol. XXIV, no. 2, pp. 1095–1147 (2023).
- Canestrari G., Liverani C., Olla S., "Heat equation from a deterministic dynamics", preprint (2023).
- Cannarsa P., Cheng W., Mendico C., Wang K., "Weak KAM approach to first-order mean field games with state constraints", Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, vol. 35, pp. 1885–1916 (2023).
- Cannarsa P., Lucarini V., Martinez P., Urbani C., Vancostenoble J., "Analysis of a two-layer energy balance model: Long time behavior and greenhouse effect", Chaos, vol. 33, no. 11, art. 113111 (2023).
- Cannarsa P., Martinez P., Urbani C., "Bilinear control of a degenerate hyperbolic equation", SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 6517–6553 (2023).
- Carones A., Migliaccio M., Marinucci D., Vittorio N., "Analysis of Needlet Internal Linear Combination performance on B-mode data from sub-orbital experiments", Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 677, art. A147 (2023).
- Carones A., Migliaccio M., Puglisi G., Baccigalupi C., Marinucci D., Vittorio N., Poletti D., "Multiclustering needlet ILC for CMB B-mode component separation", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 525, no. 2, pp. 3117–3135 (2023).
- Carpi S., Gaudio T., Giorgetti L., Hillier R., "Haploid algebras in C*-tensor categories and the Schellekens list", Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 402, pp. 169–212 (2023).
- Carpi S., Tanimoto Y., Weiner M., "Unitary representations of the 𝒲3-algebra with c ≥ 2", Transformation Groups, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 561–590 (2023).
- Celletti A., De Blasi I., Efthymiopoulos C., "Nekhoroshev estimates for the orbital stability of Earth’s satellites", Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, vol. 135, art. 10 (2023).
- Celletti A., Gales C., "Resonant dynamics of space debris", In: Baù G. et al. (eds.) New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 399, Springer, pp. 239–267 (2023).
- Chandrasekaran V., Longo R., Penington G., Witten E., "An algebra of observables for de Sitter space", Journal of High Energy Physics, vol. 2023, art. 82 (2023).
- Ciliberto C., Dedieu Th., Galati C., Knutsen A. L., "Irreducible unirational and uniruled components of moduli spaces of polarized Enriques surfaces", Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 303, art. 73 (2023).
- Ciliberto C., Flamini F., Knutsen A. L., "Urlich bundles on a general blow-up of the plane", Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, vol. 202, pp. 1835–1854 (2023).
- Ciliberto C., Flamini F., Knutsen A. L., "Urlich bundles on Del Pezzo threefolds", Journal of Algebra, vol. 634, pp. 209–236 (2023).
- Ciolli F., Fidaleo F., Marullo C., "On the thermodynamics of particles obeying monotone statistics", Entropy, vol. 25, no. 2, art. 216 (2023).
- Codogni G., Patakfalvi Z., "A note on families of K-semistable log-Fano pairs", In: Cheltsov I. et al. (eds.) Birational Geometry, Kähler-Einstein Metrics and Degenerations, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 409, Springer, pp. 195–203 (2023).
- Codogni G., Tasin L., Viviani F., "On the first steps of the minimal model program for the moduli space of stable pointed curves", Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 145–211 (2023).
- Codogni G., Tasin L., Viviani F., "Slope inequalities for KSB-stable and K-stable families", Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 126, no. 4, pp. 1394–1465 (2023).
- Danesi V., Locatelli U., Sansottera M., "Existence proof of librational invariant tori in an averaged model of HD60532 planetary system", Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, vol. 135, art. 24 (2023).
- Del Vecchio S., Fidaleo F., Rossi S., "Invariant conditional expectations and unique ergodicity for Anzai skew-products", Results in Mathematics, vol. 78, no. 1, art. 15 (2023).
- Del Vecchio S., Fröhlich J., Pizzo A., "Block-diagonalization of infinite-volume lattice Hamiltonians with unbounded interactions", Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 284, no. 1, art. 109734 (2023).
- Demers M. F., Liverani C., "Projective cones for sequential dispersing billiards", Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 401, no. 1, pp. 841–923 (2023).
- Di Nezza E., Trapani S., "The regularity of envelopes", Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure, in press (2023).
- Di Nezza E., Trapani S., Trusiani A., "Entropy in the relative setting", preprint (2023).
- Donatelli M., Manni C., Mazza M., Speleers H., "Spectral analysis of matrices in B-spline Galerkin methods for Riesz fractional equations", In: Cardone A. et al. (eds.) Fractional Differential Equations, Springer INdAM Series, vol. 50, Springer, pp. 53–73 (2023).
- Farouki R. T., Pelosi F., Sampoli M. L., "Construction of planar quintic Pythagorean-hodograph curves by control-polygon constraints", Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol. 103, art. 102192 (2023).
- Feigin E., Lanini M., Pütz A., "Totally nonnegative Grassmannians, Grassmann necklaces, and quiver Grassmannians", Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 1076–1109 (2023).
- Fidaleo F., Vincenzi E., "Decoherence for Markov chains", Stochastics, vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 867–877 (2023).
- Fioresi R., Gavarini F., "Real forms of complex Lie superalgebras and supergroups", Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 397, no. 2, pp. 937–965 (2023).
- Flamini F., Supino P., "On some components of Hilbert schemes of curves", In: Dedieu T. et al. (eds.) The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, pp. 187–215 (2023).
- Fringuelli R., Viviani F., "The Picard group of the universal moduli stack of principal bundles on pointed smooth curves II", Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze, vol. XXIV, no. 1, pp. 367–447 (2023).
- Fringuelli R., Viviani F., "On the Picard group scheme of the moduli stack of stable pointed curves", preprint (2023).
- Giorgetti L., Parzygnat A. J., Ranallo A., Russo B. P., "Bayesian inversion and the Tomita-Takesaki modular group", The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 975–1014 (2023).
- Giorgetti L., Yuan W., "Realization of rigid C*-bicategories as bimodules over type II1 von Neumann algebras", Advances in Mathematics, vol. 415, art. 108886 (2023).
- Giuliano R., Macci C., "Some examples of noncentral moderate deviations for sequences of real random variables", Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 111–144 (2023).
- de la Harpe P., Rădulescu F., "On Bergman space zero sets. Editors' comments on the article by Vaughan Jones", L'Enseignement Mathématique, vol. 69, no. 1–2, pp. 37–50 (2023).
- Huang Z., Lucia M., Tarantello G., "Donaldson functional in Teichmüller theory", International Mathematics Research Notices, vol. 2023, no. 10, pp. 8434–8477 (2023).
- Iuliano A., Macci C., "Asymptotic results for the absorption time of telegraph processes with a non-standard barrier at the origin", Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 196, art. 109800 (2023).
- Lanini M., Pütz A., "GKM-theory for torus actions on cyclic quiver Grassmannians", Algebra and Number Theory, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 2055–2096 (2023).
- Lanini M., Pütz A., "Permutation actions on Quiver Grassmannians for the equioriented cycle via GKM-theory", Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, vol. 57, pp. 915–956 (2023).
- Lipparini P., "Universal specialization semilattices", Quaestiones Mathematicae, vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 2163–2176 (2023).
- Locatelli U., Caracciolo C., Sansottera M., Volpi M., "Invariant KAM tori: from theory to applications to exoplanetary systems", In: Baù G. et al. (eds.) New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 399, Springer, pp. 1–45 (2023).
- Longo R., Morsella G., "The massless modular Hamiltonian", Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 400, pp. 1181–1201 (2023).
- Longo R., Witten E., "A note on continuous entropy", Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 2501–2523 (2023).
- Macci C., Pacchiarotti B., "Asymptotic results for certain first-passage times and areas of renewal processes", Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, vol. 108, pp. 127–148 (2023).
- Macci C., Piccioni M., "An inverse Sanov theorem for exponential families", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 224, pp. 54–68 (2023).
- Malchiodi A., Mayer M., "Prescribing Morse scalar curvatures: pinching and Morse theory", Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 406–450 (2023).
- Marinucci D., "Some recent developments on the geometry of random spherical eigenfunctions", In: Hujdurović A. et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the European Congress of Mathematics 2021, EMS Press, pp. 337–365 (2023).
- Mazza M., Donatelli M., Manni C., Speleers H., "On the matrices in B-spline collocation methods for Riesz fractional equations and their spectral properties", Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 30, no. 1, art. e2462 (2023).
- Molle R., Passaseo D., "On the Bahri-Lions conjecture for elliptic equations with non-symmetric nonlinearities", Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, vol. 62, art. 177 (2023).
- Morinelli V., Neeb K-H., Ólafsson G., "From Euler elements and 3-gradings to non-compactly causal symmetric spaces", Journal of Lie Theory, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 377–432 (2023).
- Raval K., Manni C., Speleers H., "Tchebycheffian B-splines in isogeometric Galerkin methods", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 403, no. A, art. 115648 (2023).
- Risa S., Sinestrari C., "Non‐homothetic convex ancient solutions for flows by high powers of curvature", Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, vol. 202, no. 2, pp. 601–618 (2023).
- Sansottera M., Danesi V., "Kolmogorov variation: KAM with knobs (à la Kolmogorov)", Mathematics in Engineering, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 1–19 (2023).
- Tarantello G., "Asymptotics for minimizers of a Donaldson functional and mean curvature 1-immersions of surfaces into hyperbolic 3-manifolds", Advances in Mathematics, vol. 425, art. 109090 (2023).
- Tarantello G., "On the asymptotics of minimizers of Donaldson Functional in Teichmüller theory", In: Beliaev D., Smirnov S. (eds.) Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2022, vol. 5, EMS Press, pp. 3880–3901 (2023).
- Tarantello G., "On the blow-up analysis at collapsing poles for solutions of singular Liouville-type equations", Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 150–181 (2023).