
Tobia Ravà "La foresta dei numeri primi" 2012 resine e tempere acriliche su tela 110 x 140

Excellence Project 2018-2022

The Department has been awarded a grant by MIUR for the excellence of our research. This grant is intended for highly qualified recruitment, infrastructure and educational activities.

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Rome Tor Vergata is distinguished by first class research, often motivated by applications from theoretical physics, astronomy, aerospace, finance, technology and medical science, a high level educational system, and the organisation of events in the context of the so-called third mission of the University. For details we refer to the Department's website. The Department has obtained important results in numerous research fields, such as representation theory, geometry of manifolds, varieties and schemes, quantum field theory, operator algebras, variational methods (interfaces, homogenisation), PDE (gauge theory, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, mean field games, degenerate equations), control theory, probability theory and statistics (random fields, mathematical finance), statistical mechanics (equilibrium and non-equilibrium; classical and quantum), dynamical systems (real and holomorphic), celestial mechanics (normal forms, KAM theory) and numerical analysis (spline theory, numerical linear algebra).
