Speaker: |
Marco Matassa, SISSA Trieste
Title: |
On dimension and integration for spectral triples associated to quantum groups
Abstract: |
I will discuss some aspects of the notions of spectral dimension and
non-commutative integral in the context of modular spectral triples.
I will focus on two examples: the modular spectral triple for \(SU_q(2)\)
introduced by Kaad and Senior and the family of spectral triples for
quantum projective spaces introduced by D'Andrea and Dabrowski.
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ruppo di |
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icerca |
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uropeo |
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ranco- |
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taliano in |
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mmutativa |
roupement de |
echerche |
uropéen |
ranco |
talien en |
ométrie |
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mmutative |