Speaker: |
Amaury Freslon, U. Paris VII |
Title: |
Invariant theory, quantum groups and free probability |
Abstract: |
Partitions of finite sets are very rich objects which can be used in several areas of mathematics to deal
with combinatorial problems. One application was designed by R. Brauer in the 1930s to study the invariant
theory of the orthogonal group and led to several developements until recent years. Another application
was developped by R. Speicher to give a purely combinatorial approach to free probability. Building on the
latter, T. Banica and R. Speicher gave in 2009 a «partition» approach to compact quantum groups (easy
quantum groups) suitable for free probabilistic applications. We will show that, generalizing their work
to the notion of «partition quantum groups», one can also deal with invariant theoretic problems both
for groups and quantum groups and recover many results from both fields, as well as new ones.
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