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Continuous evaluation

The primary evaluation system is a form of continuous evaluation:

  • 4 Online exercise sets (grade: E, max 4)
  • 1 Mini-project & presentation (grade: P, max 6)
  • written exam (grade: W, max 20)
  • possible bonus assigned during the oral (grade: B, max 5)

Satisfactory performance in the oral is required else all other grades are forfeit. The final score is calculated as


and then rounded to the nearest integer. A grade of 18 or above and is considered as passing the course. A grade of 31 or over is interpreted as 30 Lode.


During the course there are 4 online exercise sets. Each exercise set will be published at least two weeks before the due date of that set.

exercisesdue date
Set 111/11/2024
Set 225/11/2024
Set 309/12/2024
Set 423/12/2024

Course participants are encouraged to work together and discuss the mathematics but everyone needs to understand each exercise and submit their own responses.

Written exam

At the end of the course there is a written exam. This will test the course participant's ability for all the parts of the course. Practicing exercises for all the topics is the best preparation for the exam. In order to benefit from the continuous assessment evaluation, the written and oral must be taken in call 1 or call 2.

Oral exam

The oral exam is obligatory and will be conducted shortly after the written exam. Preparation for the written exam suffices as preparation for the oral. During the oral the course participant is required to show an ability working with the material on par with what they have demonstrated in their exercise set solutions during the semester and the written exam solutions.

Careless errors, etc which have caused a loss of points in the written exam can potentially be recovered during the oral with points being added to the bonus.


The last two weeks of the course are devoted to the mini-projects (i.e., starting Monday 16/12/2024). Topics are to be chosen by the course participants in agreement with the course instructor. See some possible ideas. The project is expected to take about 20 hours of work. The majority of this time can be done within lesson hours. A project which demonstrates 20 hours of solid mathematics work suffices to obtain the maximum grade. Project presentations will take place in January.

Alternative evaluation

As an alternative to the continuous evaluation, students have the right to instead choose to attempt a written and oral exam during one of the 6 exam calls of the year. However it highly recommended to opt for the continuous evaluation.

If one chooses this evaluation system:

  • The written and oral must be taken in the same call;
  • Grades acquired during any of the continuous evaluation do not contribute to the final score if the student chooses this option (in particular grades from the exercises and mini-project do not count);
  • During the written exam solutions must be written completely and fully justified;
  • The oral exam requires the students to demonstrate ability to work with the material of the course, the same material which is the subject of the written exam.

For exam dates and reservation, see Delphi.

  • Call 1, 20/01/2025
  • Call 2, 03/02/2025
  • Call 3, TBA
  • Call 4, TBA
  • Call 5, TBA
  • Call 6, TBA