13/09/24 | Seminario | 14:30 | 15:30 | 1201 Dal Passo | Gastón Andrés GARCÍA | Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET |
Algebra & Representation Theory Seminar (ARTS)
"On the representation theory of generalized small quantum group"
N.B.: this talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project Mat-Mod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006)
The small quantum groups uq(g) are finite-dimensional quotients of quantum universal enveloping algebras Uq(g) at a root of unity q for g a semisimple complex Lie algebra. After the work of Lusztig, the representation theory of these quantum objects was intensively studied because of its relation with the representation theory of semisimple algebraic groups in positive characteristic. In this talk, I will present some results on the representation theory of what we call "generalized" small quantum groups. A particular feature of these objects is that the role of the corresponding Cartan subalgebra is played by a finite non-abelian group. Nevertheless, they still admit a triangular decomposition and share similar properties with the standard quantum groups, like the existence of weights (that are no longer one-dimensional) and Verma modules.
This talk is based on a joint work with Cristian Vay [Simple modules of small quantum groups at dihedral groups, Doc. Math. 29 (2024), 1-38].
04/09/24 | Seminario | 14:30 | 15:30 | 1201 Dal Passo | Deepesh Toshniwal | Delft University of Technology | A local L2-stable projector for Truncated Hierarchical B-splines
Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) advocates for the direct utilization of spline-based geometric representations for performing spline-based numerical simulations. Over the last decade and a half, this philosophy has been applied to diverse applications with great success and has yielded theoretical developments that cement the status of smooth splines as excellent tools for approximation. In this talk I will focus on the use of Truncated Hierarchical B-spline (THB-spline) spaces and discuss the formulation of a local, L2-stable projector for them. The projector is an extension of the Bézier projection proposed by Thomas et al. (2015) and relies on a characterization of linear independence of THB-splines over certain macro-elements.
This talk is part of the activity of the MUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006). |
29/07/24 | Seminario | 14:30 | 15:30 | 1201 Dal Passo | Marianne Déglise | ENS Paris Saclay |
ARTS Extra
Combinatorial study of coefficients of the decomposition theorem for universal linear degenerations
We study a geometric/combinatorial characterisation of supports for linear degenerations of flag varieties in an attempt to determine the coefficients of the decomposition theorem. We show that it behaves correctly when applying the operation suspension, and obtain positive results in the PBW-locus. |
10/07/24 | Seminario | 16:00 | 17:00 | 1201 Dal Passo | Leonardo Sangaletti | University of Leipzig |
Operator Algebras Seminar
An L4 quantum energy inequality for the thermal sector
Energy density and its positivity properties represent a fundamental subject in classical and quantum physics. In this talk, we will investigate this topic in the thermal representation of a free massive quantum scalar field. After a brief review of the fundamental mathematical tools at the base of this work, we will construct the GNS representation of our QFT induced by a state at thermal equilibrium (KMS). Therein, we will identify the generator of the time evolution and its spatial density. The symmetry between the "particles" and "holes" makes evident the impossibility for a lower bound for the expectation value of the energy density in this representation. In order to tackle this problem, we will investigate and extend some results of modular theory and non-commutative Lp spaces. In this way, we will obtain a general result concerning the expectation value of operators affiliated to a von Neumann algebra. Finally, the proven results will be applied to our setting to derive an L4 state dependent non-trivial QEI.
The Operator Algebra Seminar schedule is here: https://sites.google.com/view/oastorvergata/home-page?authuser=0 |
09/07/24 | Seminario | 14:30 | 15:30 | 1201 Dal Passo | Maria Michaela Porzio | Sapienza Università di Roma | Seminario di Equazioni Differenziali
The role of the data on the regularity of the solutions to some non singular parabolic equations
In this talk we describe the influence of the initial data and the forcing terms on the regularity of the solutions to a class of evolution equations including the heat equation, linear and semilinear parabolic equations, together with the nonlinear p-Laplacian equation. We focus our study mainly on the regularity (in terms of belonging to appropriate Lebesgue spaces) of the gradient of the solutions.
NB:This talk is part of the activity of the MIUR Excellence Department Project MATH@TOV CUP E83C23000330006
05/07/24 | Seminario | 16:00 | 17:00 | 1201 Dal Passo | Ping Xu | U Penn State |
ARTS Midsummer Day Edition
Derived differentiable manifolds
One of the main motivations behind derived differential geometry is to deal with singularities arising from zero loci or intersections of submanifolds. Both cases can be considered as fiber products of manifolds which may not be smooth in classical differential geometry. Thus, we need to extend the category of differentiable manifolds to a larger category in which one can talk about "homotopy fiber products". In this talk, we will discuss a solution to this problem in terms of dg manifolds. The talk is mainly based on a joint work with Kai Behrend and Hsuan-Yi Liao.
05/07/24 | Seminario | 14:30 | 15:30 | 1201 Dal Passo | Mathieu Stiénon | U Penn State |
ARTS Midsummer Day Edition
Formal geometry of groupoids
I will give a brief survey of the formal geometry of groupoids. |
03/07/24 | Seminario | 16:00 | 17:00 | 1201 Dal Passo | Vedran Sohinger | University of Warwick |
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics Seminar
Invariant measures as probabilistic tools in the analysis of nonlinear ODEs and PDEs
Gibbs measures for nonlinear dispersive PDEs have been used as
a fundamental tool in the study of low-regularity almost sure
well-posedness of the associated Cauchy problem following the pioneering
work of Bourgain in the 1990s. In the first part of the talk, we will
discuss the connection of Gibbs measures with the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger
(KMS) condition. The latter is a property characterizing equilibrium
measures of the Liouville equation. In particular, we show that Gibbs
measures are the unique KMS equilibrium states for a wide class of
nonlinear Hamiltonian PDEs. Our proof is based on Malliavin calculus and
Gross-Sobolev spaces. This is joint work with Zied Ammari.
In the second part of the talk, we will explain a general principle that
allows us to obtain almost sure global solutions for Hamiltonian PDEs
provided that one has a stationary probability measure. In this context,
stationarity refers to a solution of the associated Liouville equation.
This more general notion replaces the invariance from before. The second
part of the talk is joint work with Zied Ammari and Shahnaz Farhat.
Note: This talk is part of the activity of the MUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006)
The Operator Algebra Seminar schedule is here: https://sites.google.com/view/oastorvergata/home-page?authuser=0
21/06/24 | Seminario | 14:30 | 15:30 | 1101 D'Antoni | Adam Dor-on | Haifa University |
Operator Algebras Seminar
Arveson's hyperrigidity conjecture is false
A classical result in approximation theory due to Korovkin asserts that a sequence of positive unital maps on C([0,1]) converges pointwise to the identity if they merely converge to the identity on the functions 1,x,x^2. This result was later generalized by Saskin, who showed that convergence to the identity on a generating function system implies convergence to the identity everywhere if and only if the system has full Choquet boundary.
Arveson's last open conjecture in his seminal work on non-commutative boundary theory predicts that a non-commutative analogue of Saskin's result holds. We refute Arveson's conjecture with an elementary counterexample. All notions will be explained during the talk.
The Operator Algebra Seminar schedule is here: https://sites.google.com/view/oastorvergata/home-page?authuser=0
19/06/24 | Seminario | 16:00 | 17:00 | 1201 Dal Passo | Nicola Pinamonti | University of Genova |
Operator Algebras Seminar
Secular growths and their relation to Equilibrium states in perturbative Quantum Field Theories
During this talk we discuss the emergence of secular growths in the correlation functions of interacting quantum field theories when treated with perturbation methods. It is known in the literature that these effects are present if the interaction Lagrangian density changes adiabatically in a finite interval of time. If this happens, the perturbative approach cannot furnish reliable results in the evaluation of scattering amplitudes or in the evaluation of various expectation values.
We show, during this talk, that these effects can be avoided for adiabatically switched-on interactions, if the spatial support of the interaction is compact and if the background state is suitably chosen. In particular, this is the case when the background state is chosen to be at equilibrium and when thermalisation occurs at late time. The same result holds also if the background state is only invariant under time translation or if the explicit time dependence is not too strong, in a precise sense which will be discussed in the talk.
Note: This talk is part of the activity of the MUR Excellence Department Project MatMod@TOV (CUP E83C23000330006)
The Operator Algebra Seminar schedule is here: https://sites.google.com/view/oastorvergata/home-page?authuser=0 |